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Gustau Camps-Valls

Full professor and head of the Image and Signal Processing (ISP) group at the Universitat de València

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Gustau Camps-Valls (IEEE Fellow’18, ELLIS Fellow, IEEE Distinguished lecturer, PhD in Physics) is a Full professor in Electrical Engineering and head of the Image and Signal Processing (ISP) group,, at the Universitat de València. He is interested in the development of machine learning algorithms for geosciences and remote sensing data analysis. He is an author of around 250 journal papers, more than 300 conference papers, 25 international book chapters, and editor of 6 books on kernel methods and deep learning. He holds a Hirsch’s index h=75 (Google Scholar), entered the ISI list of Highly Cited Researchers in 2011, and Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch identified one of his papers on kernel-based analysis of hyperspectral images as a Fast Moving Front research. He received two European Research Council (ERC) grants: an ERC Consolidator grant on “Statistical learning for Earth observation data analysis” (2015) and an ERC Synergy grant on “Understanding and Modelling the Earth system with machine learning” (2019). In 2016 he was included in the prestigious IEEE Distinguished Lecturer program of the GRSS.