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About the organizers

Participating institutions

The University of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana (UL) is the oldest Slovenian university, established in 1919, and celebrated its centenary three years ago. UL has 23 member faculties and three academies with approximately 40,000 students. The Faculty of Computer and Information Science (UL FRI), the host of ESSAI & ACAI, has about 170 personnel and enrols 1,400 students. Artificial intelligence is by far its strongest research field with 5 active laboratories employing about 60 researchers.

The Jožef Stefan Institute

The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), host to SLAIS, is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of more than 1,000 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. Artificial intelligence is represented by three departments with almost 100 researchers between them. These departments have played a major role in organizing many scientific and educational events in AI. JSI is also home to VideoLectures.NET.

The University of Primorska

The University of Primorska is a relatively young and dynamic university, headquartered in Koper, Slovenia. Its Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) is most well known for its mathematics department, but also has a young and ambitious computer science department, where AI is the dominant research field. In 2021 UP FAMNIT hosted The 8th European Congress in Mathematics with over 1,500 attendees.

Core local organizing committee

Vida Groznik, Chair (University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana)
Aleksander Sadikov, Co-chair (University of Ljubljana)
Sašo Džeroski (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Jure Žabkar (University of Ljubljana)

The core organizing committee is a mixture of youth and experience. Its members come from all three involved organizations and all are members of SLAIS. In the past they were either in charge or helped organize the following events: ECML-PKDD 2017 (600 delegates), CAiSE 2016 (Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering; approx. 300 delegates, held at UL FRI), Encompassing Computer Science Workshop 2015 (held at UP FAMNIT), Discovery Science 2014, Qualitative Reasoning Workshop 2009, ECEM/EAML 2004 (European Conference on Ecological Modelling), and Information Society Multiconference (annual Slovenian conference with international attendance held at IJS). Vida Groznik was head of UL FRI’s public relations and event organization office with a yearly budget of approximately 100,000 EUR. She also helped organizing the 8th European Congress in Mathematics with over 1,500 delegates in 2021 at UP FAMNIT.