Wojciech Jamroga is an associate professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences and a research scientist at the University of Luxembourg. His research focuses on modeling, specification and verification of interaction between agents. He has coauthored over 100 refereed publications, and has been a Program Committee member of most important conferences and workshops in AI and multi-agent systems. According to Google Scholar, his papers have been cited over 2800 times, and his H-index is 26. The research track of Prof. Jamroga includes the Best Paper Award at the main conference on electronic voting (E-VOTE-ID) in 2016, and a Best Paper Nomination at the main multi-agent systems conference (AAMAS) in 2018.
His teaching record includes numerous courses at ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information) and EASSS (European Agent Systems Summer School), a tutorial at ECAI (European Conference on AI), several courses at doctoral schools, and tutorials at IJCAI/ECAI 2022 and PRIMA 2022 — all of them on formal methods for multi-agent systems.