Matej Zečević is a Ph.D. candidate at the AI/ML lab at TU Darmstadt working with Prof. Kristian Kersting. His research is centered around the integration of causality with AI/ML. Matej has held several talks and coding sessions on causality at the International Summer School on Data Science (SDSS) 2022, the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School (EEML) 2022, the Serbian Machine Learning Workshop (SMLW) 2022, and various reading/discussion groups such as the Chinese Causal Science Community (CCCS) or Learning on Graphs Reading Group (LoGaG). Additionally, he was the core organizer at the NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on neuro Causal and Symbolic AI (nCSI) and is the organizer of the weekly, online Causality Discussion Group (CDG).