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Martin Mundt

Junior Research Group Leader at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence.

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Martin Mundt is a junior research group leader at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI), where he leads the Open World Lifelong Learning (OWLL) lab: He is also a board member of directors at the non-profit organization ContinualAI and member of Queer in AI.

Previously, he has obtained a PhD degree in computer science (2021), where his thesis on continual learning has received an award for the best thesis in natural sciences, and an M.Sc. in physics from Goethe University (2015). Martin has recently taught a course on Open World Lifelong Learning, open-access available on YouTube, has co-organized the Continual Lifelong Learning Workshop at ACML 2022, and has recently initiated the Continual Causality bridge at AAAI 2023. The main vision behind his research and OWLL is to develop systems that can not only learn continuously, but also successfully recognize new situations and actively choose data to train on, while autonomously adapting in a robust and interpretable way.