I graduated cum laude and obtained my Ph.D. at University of Calabria. Since February 2011 I work for the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Calabria: two years as PostDoc, four years as Researcher, and since January 2017 I am Associate professor. I teach Secure Software Design, Cyber Offense and Defense and Assembly Programming. I am an active researcher in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, focused on Answer Set Programming and other formalisms for combinatorial search and optimization.
I won the Italian best thesis in Artificial Intelligence award 2008 (AIxIA, Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence). In 2012 I was awarded an honourable mention for my thesis by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI). In 2015 and 2016 I won the ICLP Best Paper Award, and in 2017 I won the Artificial Intelligence Award “Marco Somalvico” from AIxIA (best Italian young researchers in AI).